"Wait," she whispered, "Kal-El, please don't leave just yet. At least tell me where we met."

He couldn't move - especially not while she was still touching him. And especially not when she had just said his name in that soft tone. Not since the first time he had heard Jor-El speak the name had it held such significance for him.
Ok, this has to be my favorite part. The whole significance bit just got a huge awwwwwww from me.

hail hail

And you get two slave grapes because this has just been the meanest day. 9.5 hour drive to get into town for Turkey Week, I keep having sick moments with this retarded brain disease, and there's no heat in the house. I look like a homeless person bundled up in my sister's old bedroom.

And then I find your new fic, and ironically enough, I've been wondering if it's finally time to branch off into some other RL projects. But you proved me partially-wrong because I just *loved* this story tonight. I'm still going to dive into some new projects, but this reminded me that there's still one old one worth keeping on the side.

So thank you because this one story has done an awful lot of good today. smile

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy