A new Sue story! Yea! And it's a sequel to Proof. I knew you loved us, Sue.

Not a night passed that he didn't lie awake recalling the feel of her lips on his back and the way her eyelashes had left a butterfly kiss on his skin.

What a great, *excrutiating* conversation.

I think sometimes Clark visits her as Superman just to get that little thrill of danger mixed with hope. "Is tonight the night she guesses? The night I give something away? The night I chuck all my clarity and sound reasoning and tell her the truth?"

It's a little like learning how to jump off the high dive. You climb up there even though you may not be planning to jump today, or even ever, but once you're up there, it's so close, you could do it, it would just take one little movement... and there's always the fear that the person behind you will get impatient and push, taking the decision out of your hands. And you don't know until you are on the way down if you can handle it or not, but by then you can't take it back. And sometimes you teeter right on the edge, your toes hanging off, and then you decide, no, not today.

lisa in the sky with diamonds