"Does your editor know you read that tabloid?"

Startled, Lois looked up from the 'National Whisper' to see Superman outside her open window.
Ah-oh! Caught with her fingers in the cookie jar….

"No. No love nest." He set the tabloid aside and half-turned to face her. "And you're the only person I know with incriminating photos of me."
Hah! Very incriminating, Clark.

"Obviously we've never met then. I know I would recognize you."

He almost smiled. "You think?"

"No disguise could be that good."

This time he did smile. "I guess not."
Oh, my goodness. Hahaha….

That was cute - her asking if Clark knew his own name. Oh, yeah, Clark and Kal-El hanging out together watching football.

"Would I recognize it? Your real name? If you told me right now would I remember where I'd met you before?"
Not a good idea to be drinking my coca-cola at that line. I almost choked….

"Yes," he admitted, his eyes warm with a remembrance that she didn't want to know about.

"Does she know?" Lois asked, envious that she had never inspired that same look in anyone, let alone him.
Awww…. How little you know, Lois.

Men were just as difficult and irrational as they liked to complain that women were.

"Well, if she doesn't want you, I do," Lois blurted out the words before she could stop herself. She bit her lip, waiting to see his reaction.

"I may hold you to that," he told her with a grin. "So how would you recommend that I tell her?"

"Just tell her. And then, if she's petty enough to be angry with you, fly back over here and tell me."

He stood and held his hand out to help her up. "I'll do that."
Do it, Clark! Tell her!

Better tell us what happens oh, evil queen.

I think sometimes Clark visits her as Superman just to get that little thrill of danger mixed with hope.
Oohh... I like that, Lisa.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~