Thanks for all the feedback, guys!

A super villain with the ability to (nearly) brainwash a telepathic Krypterran? What sort of mind magic does that guy possess?
No. Just a jerk messing with a 15 year old's mind. He didn't brainwash her. He just played on insecurities already there - like her being upset about the red hair and her not thinking she was pretty. That kind of thing. No 'mind magic' as in telepathy involved.

Same here. But then, the Cat you pictured is not that much like the gossip columnist from season 1.
No, she won't give anything away. She doesn't want Clark mad at her because she hopes he will help advance her career. But she will be all 'ga ga'.

Alex - but of course, I'm sure we haven't seen the last of him!
No, we haven't.

Are you going to make K'al and Rya's baby have the same birthday as the twins - a birthday that may have some significance to me, too?
Nope. The day before - June 7. I didn't want the baby to have the same birthday.

Has Alex hypnotized Claire or something? Of course... it's a well known, sad fact that girls who get raped often blame themselves. They think it was all their own fault, and they are too embarrassed to go the police. Why is that? If you get mugged, you rarely blame yourself for it or hesitate to inform the police.
No, he didn't hypnotize her. Reference my answer above about him messing with the 15 year olds insecurities. I don't know why that is about rape. Perhaps because it is so... invasive.

And when you have Los pat and scratch Meowoof like this, I just want to hug the guy
Yeah, that Meowoof has the whole household - including the two dogs wrapped right around her paw. Maybe she can even get the stuck up cat, Sapphire to come around. (Sapphire, by the way, is based on my own stuck up cat.)

Tell me, will Los and Mari live on Krypton or on Earth?
Let's just say... angst. Remember that Los is royalty. And even if Mari proved to be Lord Nor's daughter, she would be from a disgraced house. (She isn't Lord Nor's daughter.)

This sounds a little worrying. Is there a real problem with Jon's health?
Yes. I've already established that he was sick a lot as a kid.

You know, if I had been Amanda, I probably would have told her. But of course Clark needed to tell her that there are questions you really shouldn't ask....
I started to have Amanda tell her, but I then I decided Clark should interrupt instead.

Wow, Nancy, you give us one emotional jolt after the other all the time, it seems!
I hope that's good. I think it is!

Well, no nice guy in his right mind would want to rule a society like that one.
Even from Clark's short influence, they have changed a lot.

And Clark has to put up with the idea that more and more people know about him.
Yeah, that's what happens with a large family....

Poor Clark! That was embarrassing.
Embarrassed Clark is so cute.

Los began his studies when he was thirteen years old, and now, at eighteen, he is a healer already. You don't get much of a childhood on Krypton, I guess.
Life is hard on New Krypton.

A onesie is a one piece outfit that goes on like a t-shirt and snaps at the crotch. Very handy for babies. And who would have thought such a common item would so please K'al and Rya?

Bet I missed something important, too.
Yeah, you missed Lara's nightmare. You need to read that part. That's the part I said to pay close attention to. (It has something to do with the story Trick or Treat.)

Ah, Olympe, I wished Ann liked Caitlyn, too, but I've come to understand her.... You see, Ann is a Lois fan.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~