
Great part. smile1

The blustery winter wind nearly blew them in the door of the cozy restaurant, and Lois was glad they’d chosen somewhere only two blocks away from the Planet. She shook the snowflakes out of her hair and smiled as Clark reached over and rubbed his hands over her arms, trying to warm her. Even through the thick wool of her coat, his touch affected her. She shivered again, this time not from the cold.

She gave him a small smile, warming when he returned it.

Lois gloated silently as she watched Lana futilely try to fend off Jimmy’s laundry list of questions. Asking Jimmy to come along to their lunch had been an inspiration. He peppered Lana with questions leaving Clark’s attention free, and making Lana look bad as she grew increasingly irritated. Her responses, at first curt and succinct, were becoming clipped and biting. It was clear to anyone who was paying attention that Lana was not enjoying Jimmy’s company. But he seemed oblivious, excited just to be talking to her.

“You mean they want to let poor kids go to private schools? Ugh, why would the rich kids’ parents keep their kids there?”

Lois and Clark froze, then turned to look at Lana. They’d been so wrapped up in their personal conversation, that they’d forgotten they weren’t alone. Lois took a deep breath and tried not to explode at her callous interpretation of the issue. Somehow it didn’t surprise her that Lana would see it that way.

“Did you ever meet Lex Luthor?”

Lois felt all the blood drain out of her face. She smothered her emotions quickly and looked at Clark who had jerked at the sound of Lex’s name, splashing marinara sauce onto the cuff of his sleeve.
Every time she open her mouth Clark goes Lois way.

“Well, Superman is okay,” Lana was saying, “but what is his deal really? I heard he gives all his profits from Superman merchandise to charity? Can you just imagine? I mean, he could be so rich.”

Lois exchanged a brief look with Clark before stepping in. “Superman stands for all that is pure and good. If he accepted money for being who he is, it would cheapen what he does.”

“Well, I just can’t imagine. He could live in the Hollywood Hills, hobnob with the rich and famous. Why, when I was working A Song for Ginger, I was talking to Patrick Swayze and he said-”
Lana was caught by Lois.

“Oh, were you in that movie?” Lois asked, trying desperately to refrain from rolling her eyes at Lana’s obvious name dropping. “I just saw that last weekend and I don’t recall seeing you in it.”

“Well, it was just a small part,” Lana said though gritted teeth. “But it was so much fun. And Patrick was a really great guy.”

“What part were you in?”

Lana’s eyes narrowed. “It was one of the early scenes, maybe you missed it.”

“Oh, I don’t think so. I always pay close attention to the beginning of movies. You never know when they are going to be important. Which scene was it?”

“The opening scene. But anyway-”

“Wasn’t the opening scene filmed in an L.A. mall?”

“Yes,” Lana snapped, obviously irritated. “I was a shopper. I told you it wasn’t a big part.”

“So you were an extra?”

Lana nodded tersely and Lois continued. “You were an extra, and you got to hang out with Patrick Swayze? How did that happen? My sister was an extra in a movie once and she was mad because the stars stayed locked up in their dressing rooms and didn’t even come out to sign autographs. Patrick Swayze must be a pretty nice guy if he actually hung out with you.”

“Well, I didn’t say that we actually hung out....”

“But you met him?”

“Well... I mean, I *saw* him. And Bruce said-”

“Whose Bruce?”

“The guy who operated the snack cart,” Lana mumbled.

Lois bit back her retort and watched Lana squirm. She could almost see the steam coming out of Lana’s ears.

God, I remember how that pathetic Harris brat used to tag around after him all through high school. I was always telling her to get lost, but Clark was always nice to her. Well, sorry, honey, but it’s time to face reality.”

“Reality? You want to talk about facing reality, Miss I Can Flit In Here After Ten Years and Pick Up Where I Left Off? How dare you? How dare you walk into our lives – into Clark’s life after all this time and expect him to still be waiting faithfully for you? You don’t even know him! It’s been TEN YEARS, Lana. Ten years!”
YES!!! Love the discussion in the restroom.

Clark looked surprised, then a little curious. Finally he lifted an eyebrow. “Are you cooking?”

Already buoyed by the adrenalin rush she’d gained from squaring off with Lana, Lois couldn’t help but let herself grin in what she hoped was a flirtatious – but not *too* flirtatious – way. “That’s for me to know, and you to find out.”

Clark’s eyebrows shot even higher. “Well, that’s quite an invitation,” he replied, his mouth curving into an amused grin. “How could I resist.”

“I guess you can’t.”
Oh God, she is cooking!

She linked her arm in his, and they headed out the door to join Jimmy on the sidewalk.
Did Lana leave the restaurant along or she was waiting out with Jimmy?

More Soon, please. ASAP

MAF laugh

Maria D. Ferdez.
Don't like Luthor, unfinished, untitled and crossover story, and people that promises and don't deliver. I'm getting choosy with age.