Oh, Lara, what a beautiful, wonderful part!!! I'm almost in tears. whinging I have some quotes, but the last part is all so beautiful that I can barely even begin to quote from it!!


"Yes, you do!" she blurted out. "You can choose to stay and find whatever it is that's going to stop this heat wave and save Superman!"
Yes, you can, Clark. You can stay. You, lunkhead! Don't you know it's not really your fault?



And by God, I think we owe Superman this much, after all the trouble he's ever gotten us out of."

You'd think you've been banished along with Superman or something. He might have to go away - for now! - but nobody's asking *you* to leave the city!"
Knock, knock

Who's there?

Galactically stupid woman.

Huh, no my name is Lois.


Tell her, Clark! Tell her. Relieve her of her stupidity!


Now, you're gettin' girl!

Suddenly she found herself playing some sort of crazy connect-the-dots game in her head:
Connect those dots Lois. The picture looks like this: Clark has a big S on his chest!


Love it, love it, love it, love it!!!!

And then it hit her. Like a ton of bricks. Her eyes grew wide and her jaw dropped. Clark was...? He was...? Superman?

Ohhh... poor baby!

"Clark?" Lois asked, distraught. "That's why you're leaving isn't it? The real reason you're leaving, I mean. You... You're..."

"Yes, Lois," he answered slowly. He took a deep breath and looked her in the eyes. "I'm Superman," he said finally.

Lois shut her eyes tightly as she realized the enormity of what she was going to say. How could she claim she wasn't a horrible person? She was! She had been to him every single day since he'd started working at the Planet. Was she so shallow that she couldn't see beyond the flashy blue and red spandex? It was him in that Suit, yet put a pair of glasses on his nose and... and suddenly she wouldn't give him the time of day? Lois scolded herself silently for being so incredibly blind and heartless. How could she not have noticed... how could she have been so mean!
And this is why you were galactically stupid, Lois. (Not really - I use that as a metaphor.) Not because you didn't see the truth, but because you were so darn mean.



She'd been awful to him, yet there he was trying to make her feel better. He had such a good heart, he cared so much about everyone else, this above all else is what made him 'super' she thought, not the powers.It was what was inside that made him a hero and that couldn't possibly come attached to a cape or a pair of boots, could it? It came from being raised by a loving family, with good values. It came... well, it came from Clark.


If he had listened closely enough he might also have heard his heart shattering into millions of pieces.

Absolutely beautiful revelation scene. I love it that Lois didn't get mad!

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~