Thanks everyone for thr FDK! Most appreciated!! smile

The way Lois figured out that Clark and Superman are the same person makes me think that Clark was desperately trying to let her see exactly that, despite what his conscious mind might have been saying.
I think on some level he's always wanted her to know. Twice before (other parts of the story) he's wishing she did know so he could talk to her about everything - he's badly in need of a friend...


How are you going to fix this ??????
With a little help from a friend. (mmm, wait, did I say this out loud? oops!) wink


Lara, I've got to confess... with RL being what it is, and thinking, when I saw your story, that is seemed to be A-plot heavy and devoid of "n".... Well, I decided to comment on other people's stories and not on yours.
Hey, no worries. There definitely is more A plot to come in the next parts, but this one I wanted to be just a revelation.

All right!!! All right. I give up!!! Lois was mean, during the first season of LnC! whinging
Yep. And this is a rewrite of Man of Steel Bars, so set early enough that she's still not all that adjusted to having a partner. Loving the man in blue tights but kinda wishing she'd be rid of the guy with the funky ties. wink

See? Superman has given up, everyone in Metropolis has given up on him, but Lois keeps trying to save him. My heroine!!
Mine too! I love Lois! (it may not sound this way, but that's a big deal for me -- I usually hate leading ladies cause I want to be them, they get the guy and I'm green with envy! *lol* but this one... I can't help it, I want her to be with Clark, they're too good together.)

(And... managing editor for the Smallville Post? Clark did say that in that episode, whichever it was - Man of Steel Bars?
Yep, some of that conversation is taken straight from the episode.

Wow, Lois's comebacks blow me away! Ehh... they are from the show, are they?
Some are, yep. But not all. The "missing the cornfields", "what would make you want to go back to *Small*ville" and the "job interview" bit -- that was all me.

Yeah, well - it's really getting more and more tempting so say "g- - - - - - - - - -y s- - - -d" right now, isn't it?
LOL!!! She sees the light real fast after that, though.

I love the connect-the-dots game here. I've got to refer to what Nancy was saying and agree with her that, yeah, if you connect the dots on Clark's chest you will really get a big red 'S'!
mmm... I was going to connect the dots ON him, I'd start with the sexy little mole just above his lip and... oh, wait, this conversation isn't PG safe...

About time you told her, buster.
wink You do know it took him 50 years to say so in the comics, right? This is darn quick in comparison. hehehe!

Interesting that she isn't blowing her top at him. Well, I guess she can't be too mad when she is so distraught at the thought of losing both him and... him?
Precisely - she's losing him... if she wasn't she'd be mad at him for certain, but she's already really emotional about losing him..and him. wink

As Lois realized these things, it occurred to her that this meant that what she loved the most about Superman was... Clark.
Ahhh... this is sweet.
thank you!! it's just cause, you know... Clark is what *I* love most about Superman... wink

You are letting whoever is behind the heatwave chase you out of Metropolis and leave the city more vulnerable to their evil schemes!
There 'ya go, you got it. it's the whole point. wink

Okay, I want to see more of my heroine - Lois - in the next chapter of this, as she solves the mystery of the heatwave, hmmm? wink
That's precisely what the next chapter is. Lois saving Superman. hehehe. smile

(Okay - Clark can make a cameo, too, if he can raise the cute butt of his from the chair of the Managing Editor for the Smallville Post!)
well... considering he won't even be sitting IN the chair, I don't think his butt will make any appearance there. wink Just kidding! He's most likely not going to make a cameo in the next chapter at all, though. But he'll be back soon enough. And I have a lovely reunion scene planned. hehehe! It's PG rated, but... I may have to post a version of it over on the other side... cause... mmm! wink


Ahh, Lara, this really was a beautiful, beautiful part of your story!!
Thanks Nancy! I'm amazed this part still makes me want to cry when I read it. I SO see her going "don'" and... ahhh... my heart breaks for her. mecry


Ok... going back to part 6 now. Almost done, just in need of some tweaking and being looked over for horrible typos. wink

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies