I'm glad that Clark displayed that little tear from his left eye. Clark hardly ever tears up and well for some reason that's a treat. I know weird. Sad... horrible scene here and I get a kick out of Clark dropping a lone tear here.
You know, I almost left that part out... For a second when I read it the last time before I posted, I felt maybe it was a little too much. And then I figured, oh what the hell, his heart is breaking...

Sooooooo.... I'm sure glad you think it's a treat. smile yay!!

Wonderful, beautiful. I'm reading chapters three through to whatever's left at the moment. I hope a lot more!!!!
Be warned there is a lot of A-plot coming up in the parts that follow that one... And I'm not completely done with the story yet - there's one part to go, perhaps two even (but I hope it won't be three! LOL!).

I'm glad you enjoyed this part! It's my fav in this story for sure. That one and the scene in part 8 with the other 2 guys!! laugh

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies