Lara, I've got to confess... with RL being what it is, and thinking, when I saw your story, that is seemed to be A-plot heavy and devoid of "n".... Well, I decided to comment on other people's stories and not on yours.

But hey, you say about part five of All Weathered Out that there is...

no A plot in here at all even. It's just Lois and Clark and...
...and what? And a good revelation scene, that's what they whisper over at the FDK thread! How can I resist that? Besides, I'm the world's premier one-woman Lois Super Defense Squad, I've got to defend my heroine! Look what some FoLCs are saying about my very own Lois:

Knock, knock

Who's there?

Galactically stupid woman.

Huh, no my name is Lois.
Aaahh, gaaahhh, NOOOOO!!!!!! I can't stand it when they say such things!!!! razz

For a long while, she just stood there and sobbed, letting herself be consoled by him. She'd been awful to him, yet there he was trying to make her feel better. He had such a good heart, he cared so much about everyone else, this above all else is what made him 'super' she thought, not the powers. It was what was inside that made him a hero and that couldn't possibly come attached to a cape or a pair of boots, could it? It came from being raised by a loving family, with good values. It came... well, it came from Clark.
Oaky, okay - done enough wallowing in self-disgust now, Lois? And are you finishing elevating Clark to super duper goody-two-shoes-hood? :rolleyes:

(Okay - I take back the last thing I said - well, sort of - because Clark really is a very, very nice guy....)

As Lois realized these things, it occurred to her that this meant that what she loved the most about Superman was... Clark.
Ahhh... this is sweet.

And when she claimed to be completely, hopelessly, and incurably in love with the superhero, what it really meant is that she was in love with... the good-natured farm boy who hid underneath the Suit. Suddenly, the thought of him leaving became completely unbearable to her. She couldn't lose him. Not without ever... Not without knowing... No!! She took a long ragged breath as her legs gave from under her. Had it not been for two strong arms holding her, she would have fallen to the floor like a rag doll.
And this, too.

"No..." was all she managed to get out at first. She wiped the tears from her eyes and took a deep breath. "Clark, don't! You... you can't leave! They're wrong, you know they are. This isn't your fault! We just need to find who's responsible, that's all."

"Lois, even if I'm really not sure what's causing all this heat, it doesn't change anything. I had given them my word. Superman's word. He never lies, you know." He tried to smile.
But now you are the one being galactically stupid, Clark! Really and truly! You must know Lois is right. It can't be you or your powers that are causing the heatwave! You have been using your powers for a long time, even if you haven't been wearing the Suit officially for long. But there has never been a problem with the weather when you have used your superpowers in the past! You are letting whoever is behind the heatwave chase you out of Metropolis and leave the city more vulnerable to their evil schemes!

And then Lois starts begging, and Clark keeps on apologizing and insisting there is nothing he can do. Sigh. You are a lunkhead, Clark, and sometimes a galactically stupid one, too, even if you are sweet and gorgeous!

Okay, I want to see more of my heroine - Lois - in the next chapter of this, as she solves the mystery of the heatwave, hmmm? wink (Okay - Clark can make a cameo, too, if he can raise the cute butt of his from the chair of the Managing Editor for the Smallville Post!)
