Intersting debate. Good segment of story. It is going rather smoothly at this point and I am wondering if we will run into any kind of angst or twist or if they will just live happily ever after at this point.

Hmm the weight issue. Well genetics, modern society, depression, emotional eating, I guess everyone reason is ther own. It will be a life struggle for me I am afraid. I haven't made the connection Oprah has talked about with myself. Sometimes I think when the world pulls at you from all different angles the tendency may be to self indulge for comfort knowing full well that it is self destructive. Maybe destruction is easier then fighting yourself daily. I am not sure but it has made me persue therapy. It is the only thing I haven't tried. Hypnosis and every diet under the sun does not work for me because I just don't want to do it in my own head. I am not sure why. Logically I understand my hypertension and probable eventual Diabedes if I continue. It is like I do it to spite myself. Maybe someday I will figure it out, but I doubtit is past life oriented<g> Laura

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"