Ann, I have to respectfully disagree with you here. In the parameters of the *Lois and Clark universe*, reincarnation *is* a viable explanation. I don't believe in reincarnation either but I based a whole series on it because it exists in the L and C universe. There aren't any magic shoes or other magical items but the Oz series, by L. Frank Baum, was based on magic. A writer accepts a series of premises for her story and, if the writer stays consistent to those premises, they are perfectly acceptable, no matter what exists in the real world.

Whatever may be the real reason for the large number of overweight people in the world today, and whatever our own opinions may be, this is a premise of the story. The writer has no obligation to change it because of the private opinions of the readers unless her idea is completely outside the already established premises. The most you should ask for is a content warning, such as I put at the beginning of each of my "Home" stories.


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.