Chris, I hope you don't think I'm kidnapping your thread, but I have to tell you about two students I had (briefly) about five years ago. The boy was more handsome than most, and he was a really nice kid, too. The girl was definitely uglier than most. There was nothing wrong with her weight, but there was also nothing pretty or attractive about her face, or for that matter about her hair or figure. Well, two years after they had graduated (with rather poor grades, especially the girl) they came back to school for a brief visit to show their old teachers their little baby daughter. I had never noticed that they seemed to be in love at school. Now they were radiant. The boy was beaming, smiling at his girlfriend - they were not married - and holding the baby and telling all and sundry, "It's my kid!". The girl was as ugly as ever before, but she was as happy as the boy. I asked them when they fell in love. "Oh, as soon as I saw Maria, I knew she was the one," the boy replied.

So it does happen, you know, that a beautiful man falls in love with an ugly woman.
