Ann, if that feedback is when you don't have much time, I'll take it anytime you want to give it to me!

I kind of agonized over this chapter, glad it seems to have had the right tone. Lois is skeptical at first, but realizes that she is having dinner with a man from another planet who can fly, so that kind of grounds her and forces her to think outside the box, so to speak.

Because she was never this desirable woman, she had to learn to get her stories from asking even more pointed question than "thin beautiful" Lois. She is very bright, can see right through BS, and is used to being hurt. She's learned that dealing with the bare boned truth hurts less in the long run than when someone fudges a little in order not to hurt her feelings.

I'm thinking that Clark is going to really fall in love with this Lois' personality. She keeps him on his toes and is always one step ahead of him mentally. This is a Lois who clawed her way to the top of the journalistic heap solely by competence, not by looks.

Glad you're enjoying it. Next... Lois decides the next step in her life and the tabloids feature her picture with Clark...perhaps with not the most flattering of headlines...(UGH)


"Together we are stronger than each of us is apart"