As usual, I don't have much time for FDK, but I need you to know that I haven't abandoned your story, Chris.

Lois’ mind was whirling, attempting to take in what Clark was trying to tell her in order to form a cohesive sentence. “OK, another Lois Lane…doppelgangers…parallel that picture is a Lois Lane from a parallel universe, an earth nearly identical to this one, and in that world she’s – I’m – thin?”
Hmmm. Imagine you were told you had a doppelganger someplace, except that this person was like a perfect version of you. Wouldn't you be jealous of Ms/Mr Perfect?

Clark nodded. “”Exactly. Wow. I can see why you were the valedictorian of your class at Met U.”
I like Clark's answer. Instead of telling her, "Yes, she's like you, but thin and beautiful", he's basically saying, "Wow, you figured it out! You're really smart!".

Lana was ticked off when she gave me a big hug, so she immediately got in her face and introduced herself as my fiancée.”

Lois laughed. “It was like she peed on you to mark her territory. I know the type. Whoops, sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt.”
This made me laugh! Your Lois certainly has a way with words! goofy

Lois grabbed a stuffed mushroom and, chewing slowly to make it last, rolled her eyes at Clark. “Mm-hmm. Go on….”
Oh, how I can sympathize with this Lois. She loves her food, which is why she is fat. She can't resist eating that stuffed mushroom, even though Clark has apparently stopped eating by now. Well, at least she's chewing the mushroom slowly to make it last....

“Well, when Wells first built the machine he went in the 22nd century and met a guy named Tempus. To prove to his contemporaries back in his era that he had actually found a way to visit the future, he took Tempus back with him in the time machine.
Thanks for this explanation, Chris - the Tempus episode is another one of those I haven't seen.

In the other Clark’s world, no one knows that Clark Kent is Superman. Apparently a pair of glasses and a change in mannerisms does the trick. Personally, I don’t see how it works, but…

“There must be a bunch of stupid people in that dimension,” Lois remarked, snacking on another stuffed mushroom while she rolled her eyes at him again.
rotflol How true, Lois! And your thin and beautiful doppelganger was the densest of them all! So go on, have another least you are smart, you know! laugh

“Were you in love with her?” Lois asked looking Clark square in the eyes.

“What? Why would you ask that?” Clark responded, feeling flushed all of a sudden.
Good question. Why is Clark feeling flushed? Is he embarrassed? Ashamed? Aroused?

“Oh, well, let’s see,” continued Lois as soon as they were alone again. “You carry a picture of her around, supposedly because there wasn’t any really taken of me. The children told me that you looked love-sick when you showed them the picture. You break up with your childhood sweetheart, and then don’t date anyone else. You find out that she’s engaged to the ‘you’ of the other world, and our twins over there apparently will have quite a brood of descendants, a virtual dynasty of do-gooders that form this ‘Utopia’. You fell in love with *her*, and you’ve been looking for *me*, hoping that lightning will strike twice in one lifetime. That about sum it up, Superman?”
Yeah, well, ugh - I'd say he was in love with her, Lois.

<God, she’s good. *Too* good>. Clark’s body language gave him away. “Do you want to hear the truth?”

“Well, I might not *like* the truth, but yes, if we’re ever going to work together back in the States, we need to come clean with each other. So, yes, Clark Kent, I want you to be brutually honest with me.”
She wants him to be brutally honest with her. I like it.

“At the time, I *thought* I was in love with her.
“Is that what you’re doing now, Clark? Transferring your feelings for ‘thin Lois’ to me? Because I may have lost some weight, but I can tell you, I’ll never be thin. The way I look right now is probably as good as it will ever get, buster! Deal with it!”
Oh, wow! I love her brutal honesty here! And, yes, I think she is right about her weight, sorry to say.

Clark couldn’t help but crack a smile at Lois’ rant. “No, Lois, that’s not what I’m doing. I believe that you could be my soul mate. You, not the other Lois. Your weight doesn’t matter to me.”
Wonderful, Clark. But can we believe you?

“Bullsh*t!” Lois spit out. ‘’You said that you would be honest with me, now be honest with yourself. There’s not a red-blooded man alive that *really* likes an overweight woman. Oh, we can be friends, because fat girls make the best friends for good-looking guys. We can give you a woman’s insight, help you land the woman of your dreams, we’ll listen when things aren’t going well, but you’ll never get the hots for me like you probably had for her –“
I still love her brutal honesty and the way she isn't mincing her words! laugh

Clark impulsively placed his hands around Lois’ face and kissed her passionately. Lois fought it at first, but then kissed him back.
Oh, wow. I loved that!

They came up for air after several minutes. “Wow,” said Lois. “I suppose I *could* be wrong, even thought it doesn’t occur very often.”
And I adore this!!!!

“So where does all of this leave us…you and me? I’m not exactly the same as this other, thin, Lois.”

“You’re both impulsive, obstinate, brilliant, pig-headed, beautiful, warm-hearted….believe me, there are enough similarities,” Clark joked as Lois tried to slap him.

“Can I meet her? This other Lois? Can you reach this Wells guy? I want to see a thin version of me. Please?
Hmm.... Interesting. Would you want to meet a perfect version of yourself? Wouldn't it make you feel inadequate? I'll say this for this Lois, she has guts.

Great story, Chris, and lovely chapter!
