WOW! AWESOME! My very own button!

I will hug him and squeeze him and love him and pet him and I will call him George...

Ahem, sorry, reliving a childhood memory there. blush

Thanks Jen! That's too cool!

Nancy- Nope, no more explanations about Pop-Tarts and Ho-Ho's... hee hee

jo_jo_da_crow --

Hi! I'm so glad you made it before the end!!! I'm getting ready to post it shortly. My last entry on this story for the breakfast club (as Ann called it).

Hi Sheila! blush Well, I'm glad you didn't wait... you didn't have to wait too long - it's coming, just a few more minutes!

Okay, now I'll quit typing this so I can go post and proofread.

Thank you everyone!!!

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.