
No, but seriously, thank you all for this fdk. I'm glad you *enjoyed* my cliffhanger. I hadn't done a really good one in a while. wink I knew this WHAM was going to bring controversy, but that's okay, I'm a big girl, I can take it... no, really, I can.

Okay, Jen, WOW, thanks for that thread title - I learned from the best...

You are official member of the cruel author cliff-hanger club!!
Do I get a button or something? cool

Nancy --

Oh, DJ, this is so beautifully written.
Oh, thank you!!!

..bag of various cloths and materials


I'd suggest ...bag of various fabrics.
Thanks for the suggestion.

ā€“ Lana would die if she knew Iā€™d eaten a bomb ā€“


Yeah, she sure would be mad, Clark. She won't even let you eat a sandwich. Cholesterol, you know....
Hee hee, glad you liked that... I had to continue my food theme somehow. wink

I hope you don't kill her off. She's not a bad sort, really. How could she be? She loves Clark, even if she doesn't know how to treat him right...
.... um .... no comment....

SPark --

Oh my! This is just so Gaahhh!!
You are so mean leaving it like that.
Yes! I'll take that as a compliment - I'm an apprentice of the evil queen, didn't you know?

Is she going to die? Maybe you can just put her in a coma or something
.... again, no comment....

Oh I love this. I don't mind this kind of wham. Unless of course Lana survives and Clark decides he can never leave her. Then I'd have to come after you.
Eeek! Jackie you haven't even read the last part yet and you're already sharpening the pitchfork? Yikes! wink

I guess so far I am the only cruel one who doesn't care what happens to Lana.
Uh, nope, you should have seen some of the comments I got from my beta and what she thought of my WHAM. Too funny...

ChaaBreh --

Bring on the finale!!
Will do! First thing in the morning.

Tahu --

So even if it is the last part bring it on. I will miss this story so much. I am so proud you've tried one of my ideas. Thank you DJ!
You're welcome! Thank YOU for the inspiration.

Lisa --

Love it when Clark eyes the animal prints askance.
Thanks! Glad you liked that. When Sue beta'd it she told me to picture her doing the Tarzan yell when she read that part. Ha ha!

Since we know the bomb doesn't hurt him, this is actually pretty funny. But why is he worrying what Lana would think?
He's not actually *worrying* so much about what she'd think as he was *remarking* on what she would think. Just force of habit when you've been dating someone...

Oh boy. Guilt City, next exit.
Yeah, tell me about it...

Ok, so who here thinks that Clark can either a) dump a girl who loves him while she is in recovery from a car wreck while on her way to see him or b) sufficiently recover from the girl dying in that car wreck - and start a relationship with Lois all in one chapter? Oh, and tell Lois the truth about Superman in the meantime. I admit I am not hopeful for a happy Lois-and-Clark-in-love ending here.
Are these the only choices???....

DJ, you're mean!

Maria --

If she lives she will use her knowledge to control Clark.
Oooh, that's such a good point...

I vote for killing her!
laugh Maria you kill me!

JoMurf --

Can't you post the next part now???
Now where would be the fun in that? wink Sorry, I'm still tweaking a couple of things. Thanks for the fdk.

Ann --

With the "food theme" of this story, where you've gone to great lengths to show us how much Clark keeps splurging on unhealthy stuff, this 'eating a bomb' thing was just completely hilarious!
Hee hee, thank you Ann! I was really hoping you'd enjoy that last send off to the food theme. I knew you wouldn't like the latter part of the story, so I was hoping you'd enjoy the first part.

I'm a little disappointed at this. Somehow, I thought that this Lois really would recognize Clark.
Well there was that whole bomb swallowing thing. Tee hee...

Clark saves his girlfriend-to-be, only to, possibly, have to blame himself for his current girlfriend's death.
.... uh, .... no comment...

Is there WAFF at the end of this, DJ? You know how much I love WAFF. I love WAFF as much as I love smut, if that is possible! Hmmm....
*IS* that possible Ann? wink There's some WAFF, I promise...

So off with you, my very evil Metro, and write the last chapter for the breakfast club.
So off with you??? That sounds very familiar... "So off with you before someone drops a house on you too..." <DJ looks around nervously> Hee hee. Yes, I let evil Metro out to play on this one... I guess it's time to lock her back up again. Oh, and the "breakfast club" - that's cute, I like that. That is normally when I'm posting my stories - at least for me.

Thank you everyone for all the wonderful comments. I'll see everyone for the finale during my breakfast tomorrow... hmm, Pop Tarts? Cold Cereal? Maybe a Ho-Ho...

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.