Oh, DJ, this is so beautifully written. I like how you capture Lana's love for Clark. It so reminds me of the unrequited love that Chloe Sullivan feels for Clark in Smallville.

In this part:

..bag of various cloths and materials
I'd suggest ...bag of various fabrics.

I love this part:
– Lana would die if she knew I’d eaten a bomb –
Yeah, she sure would be mad, Clark. She won't even let you eat a sandwich. Cholesterol, you know.... lol

Of course they don't recognize you. They don't call 'em tights for nothin'.

Surely someone will recognize me. Lois? Jimmy? Perry? But no one seems to.
I thought at first Lana was going to recognize him right off, but then you gave us this:

Her eyelids flutter and she opens her eyes to look at me. “No! No, get away from me. Who are you?” she wheezes. I had forgotten I was still dressed in my red and blue suit.
Idiot! You tell the woman and she's afraid of you?

Idiot. You tell the woman and she's afraid of you?
Oh, you just had to tell her, didn't you?

Her face takes on a look of sadness as she opens her eyes and looks at me again. “I was coming to see you. A car... swerved over in my lane,” she whispers and places her hand against my chest. “Please don’t leave me. I’m so sorry.”
You probably won't leave at all:

“I... I won’t,” I tell her. No, I won’t leave her... at least not right now. “I’m right here. I’m going to get you to the hospital. Everything will be all right.”
Ah, this is so sweet/sad.

I feel my eyes start to fill with tears. She really does love me. She always has. And I do love her, even if we aren’t meant to be together. I start to tell her that I love her, too, when I realize she isn’t breathing. “Lana! Lana, don’t do this. Stay with me. Please.”

She doesn’t respond. I fly as fast as I can to the hospital, taking care to shelter her body with my own as much as I can. She can’t die. Not like this.
I hope you don't kill her off. She's not a bad sort, really. How could she be? She loves Clark, even if she doesn't know how to treat him right...

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~