Wow! smile1

Dave and I are really delighted at your wonderful feedback for this. It's been just lovely to come in here and see all these nice posts! What's even nicer is that those of you who've picked out lines and phrases you especially like have managed to select from both of our sections. And that's fantastic. laugh

Karen, and anyone else with a December birthday, including Laura, we're especially glad that you like this. smile

I'm always fascinated to know, when I write stories with other FoLCs, whether readers can spot the joins or tell the different writers' work apart. A couple of people, Sara included, read parts or all of this before we posted, and while they did identify the author of one or two lines they by no means guessed it all. In fact, where they did try to put a name to a line sometimes they were wrong. goofy Which I find really nice. smile

I will confess, though, that the cliffhanger you're all complaining about was written by... Dave. So you know where to direct those snowballs, right? wink [Linked Image]

Oh, and James: the answer is yes, and it's by Pam Jernigan. Check out Private Grief . It's short and a lot of fun. smile

I'm sure that Dave will have something of his own to add in due course, but for now, and on behalf of both of us, thank you so much! notworthy And I'm just off to post part 2.

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*