Rather then write a comment for each installment of the story, I decided I would just comment on the story as a whole - since I started reading it a little late.

Anyways if I was asked to describe that story in one word it would be "WOW"!

It was a very well put together piece. It had its ups and downs and kept the reader interested until the bitter end. I think I am going to have to be admitted to the nearest psychiatric ward for bi-polar disorder, it was that nerve wracking, but well worth it...LOL

There were parts where I was screaming to the monitor the entire time. For example that hole lead thing made we want to scream. I KNEW those shavings of metal were important, yet at first Clark totally ignored them. AND this was after feeling bad of wasting time with the whole superpower thing and what not. He had the answer to installments prior, but he kept it from everyone. Also why did he not think of X-Ray visioning her. HELLO CLARK!! That could have saved her life from the very beginning. When you could not see through her the light bulb should've and would've gone off. Through his moments of guilt that was never mentioned once (the use of X-Ray viision)...well from what I can recall, I do not remember it being mentioned. That was the only thing I found a little disappointing.

Sorry for my little vent, but it was much needed. There is no bad meaning there, it is just that since I can not yell at Clark, posting it is the next best thing.

I do not know if any of you watch HOUSE? I think it would have been ironic to have him as the doctor - rather than Dr. Sutton. House would have been a challenge for Lois, and it would have been humourous them constantly bickering. Plus they were looking for the best medical team, and House and the gang were it (in my opinion). Thoughts on this suggestion would be interesting and definately wanted.

I am glad that Lois and Clark decided to get hitched, and better yet they decided once they knew she was going to live, to wait and see where the relationship would go. YAAY for Lois that she did not go back in her shell. The brink of death softened her up as much as age had with Henderson (although I do not think that was what did it for Bill). It would be nice to see a continuation of their relationship occurring in the wrong order - marriage then dating. Will it harm it any? Is it just the inevitable sped up? Definately would be interesting to see how that would be handled by any of the FoLC writting team or Wendy for that matter.

Good job hun, I loved it....too bad it is over. Or is it? I shall hope, wait, and see.

PS...My favourite names SuperClark and Clarkman! Gotta love Lois!

Thanks, Judy