Wow! Thanks, Wendy! I've been walking the streets looking quite a few sandwiches short of a full picnic since I read part twenty of your story, but for some reason nobody arrested me. goofy

And this, about all the flowers she received:
But she also had a sneaking fondness for a vase of peach roses - complete with thorns - which had arrived by messenger a few hours after she'd awoken to see Clark asleep by her bedside.
And this is what it says on the card:
Take your time convalescing - my officers will appreciate it. Careful of the thorns - like someone I know, they can sting! Welcome back to the land of the living - Bill H.

She'd smiled when Clark had put the card down. Maybe she'd put Henderson on her Christmas card list this year.
Wendy, that's just adorable! The peach (sweet innocent, very feminine colour) roses with thorns... And Henderson on Lois's Christmas card list! thumbsup

Just a few final thoughts. I almost died with laughter over that thing about Lois and Clark both wearing glasses and being too cute together for words!!!! thumbsup
