Originally Posted by Shallowford
Originally Posted by Lynn S. M.
Please don't let worries about your English keep you from posting.

I agree with Lynn--after all, even the English speakers can't always agree on the language. "England and the United States are two countries divided by a common language"--and there are FoLCs from at least five English speaking countries here. Most stories and posts are in North American English but other spellings, terms and cultures find their way in as well. The exceptions add spice and give us something to talk about.
Even North Americans can't always agree on spelling and wording. I co-wrote a story in another fandom with someone in Canada, and we argued endlessly over spelling and terminology (I'm in the U.S.). Heck, there's various dialects of English spoken within the U.S., which can be very confusing to someone not familiar with them. (For example, when I was 3 years old my family flew to Texas to visit my mother's relatives. My great-uncle said to me, "Give me a sugar," and I promptly told him that sugar rots your teeth. He meant "Give me a kiss," but my language skills were pretty limited before I learned to read, so a lot of what those relatives said made no sense to me.)

"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here.”

- Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland