Hi, wave

All I can do is echo the previously expressed sentiments. jawdrop

As an author, I don't just write for myself, I write for the readers. thumbsup

Before the site revamp it was somewhat discouraging when posting chapter after chapter, story after story and receiving only a few comments. The comments were the only way we could guage readership. hail

With the new site there is a counter. clap

Now we can see that we have had 100 reads even if there are only a comment or two. mecry

That being said, knowing how many readers there are and hearing from them and having them express their thoughts on what you have posted are two entirely different things. help

Frankly, I don't care if it is a negative comment. I'm not looking for sycophants I am looking for criticism, both positive and negative. That is the only way an author can improve. dance

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

My stories can be found here
