Hi all,

after reading all your posts, I thought I leave a comment, because I´m one of those lurkers. smirk
As for me, I love reading all kind fanfics. Especially the naughty ones blush
But mostly, after reading a fanfic, I have problems voicing my opinion about the story.
Even a short comment is difficult, because I think maybe I make such a mistake in my comment. And my post gets a different meaning (maybe a bad one).
I can´t speak for english natives, but for me (I´m from Germany) it´s really hard work to write more than two sentences in English huh
But I promise I try to leave feedback even if it´s just a tiny comment. grin
So pleeeease keep writing. grovel I´m here every day to read more stories and feedback and all kind of things about our favorite couple. hyper

So thank all of you for doing such hard work and keep doing it. clap
