There Is No Spoon, I'm glad to hear you read the comics -- I quite enjoy them! It sounds like you and I just both get different things out of what we read and watch, which is great because that's what makes the world go 'round. I'm not a huge fan of Bruce Timm or the cartoons, so I can't speak to those. As it is, I don't equate forgiveness with 'being a doormat,' and I think being compassionate is a hugely important, enviable trait (one which I wish I could claim to have more of!). This story will definitely address some of these things in different ways. If you continue to read, I hope you enjoy it and find it food for thought if nothing else.

LMA, I'm with you on rooting for a happy ending -- it'll be hard work to get there (and will test my creative powers to the limit), but I'm still hoping we'll see some happiness at the end of the tunnel! laugh I love your thoughts on the mindset of Clark and what he's longing for, what he sees as important. It's been really interesting getting to delve into such an isolated Clark in this story!