What a wonderful chapter, Anti-K clap. I'm quite late--but I'm ever so devoted to this story...

It is a sign a great writer (and a really good story) when a discussion begins because of it. It's been very interesting finding out the variety of perspectives developing as this story unfolds. Hearing why we feel how we do towards this plot, towards the actions of the characters.

I'm--yeah, I know, pretty obviously wink --hoping for a happy ending. Wanting Lois and Clark to get together. Wanting things to work out between them.

But...I don't feel like I am naively hoping for that outcome.

Like Virginia pointed out, Clark doesn't seem to blame Lois for his situation. He doesn't seem to be mad at Lois. I was looking for that--his anger--while reading this section. I didn't find it. The question of if Clark should forgive, IMO, needs to be rooted in his feelings. If he doesn't feel betrayed by Lois, there is a lot less emotion riding as an issue between them.

But what I do see in this chapter, is Clark's longing. For normalcy. For happiness. For things to be as they were. He craves the time when he was with Lois. He calls their time together 'enchanted', has memorized it by heart. As this section ends, Clark finally rests. He sleeps after almost a week of not being able to. He falls asleep because of Lois--by listening to her breathing from the next room. He's comforted by it, searched her out in the dark without even realizing he was doing it. If Clark was shouldering the blame of his current situation ON Lois, I don't believe he would be wanting and feeling how he is towards Lois right now.

I don't read the comics. I don't know anything about 'Superman' and these characters beyond our show. I honestly have never had much interest out of canon because these specific characters and this specific show are what captured my heart. The character of Lana I barely know anything about--just what little we do from L&C. I don't really like Lana--and it's just my opinion based on the few scenes she is in from the show. She doesn't come across as important to this Clark, so I've never really thought too much about her. And because of that, I'm not emotionally invested in Lana--as I am with Lois, with Clark.

If I was reading a story here on the boards where Lana was a central figure, where I could get to know her, I'm sure--if the situation was correct--I would give her as much credit, give her as much as a chance, as I would give anyone. Would I want Lana to get together with Clark? Obviously, a resounding 'No!' smile. These boards are about the show "Lois & Clark", afterall. But would I judge her unfairly? No, I wouldn't.

Am I judging Lois unfairly? IMO, no. So far we don't have a lot to go on. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt. Clark's not judging her...really then, why should I?

I don't see Clark as a doormat. He has to let Lois walk all over himself emotionally to be labeled as one. So far we've had one 'Clark' section--and in that section, IMO, he didn't give any indication of letting Lois rise 'above' him. Be better than him. Be in control of him.

There is a LOT of story left. A lot can happen. A lot will happen. But most importantly, there is a lot of backstory that needs to unfold to give us the ability to make our final judgements.

Who knows where my opinion will be down the road...but the fun part will be talking about it here grin.

Till then? I'll support Lois....(and hope for some WAFF somewhere down the road wink ).

Last edited by LMA; 05/28/15 11:57 AM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~