He can hear her crying.

Awww, he's sooooo close!


Great word choice. I can imagine exactly why he'd feel that way. She outed him, but I can imagine he still yearns for her.

Reminds him that he is not well.

<heart sinks> What's wrong with you, Clark?

(all black, sucking space, the absence of everything and all around him to such an all-encompassing extent that Earth itself seemed only a dreamlike memory, and cold so intense he thought it would have stolen any breath he might have been able to snatch, and stars that tried to suck him away from Earth’s orbit into strange and foreign galaxies that would welcome him and praise him and then cast him aside in their turn, and a rushing mountain so large he felt tiny, dwarfed and insignificant and so very helpless),

Breathtakingly beautiful, my friend.

Clark leans his body more heavily against the glass, careless of his bruises.


Trembling. Still. Continuously. Inescapably.

More of a mental origin, methinks.

So Superman disappeared, as easily, as seamlessly, as mutely as Clark Kent had.

If only you knew how much the world you left behind misses you, Clark.

the sound of clouds

Huh. I like this.

So he sits here. Useless. Helpless. Recovering, as James calls it. Day after day, pacing and worrying and listening. Night after night, sitting and worrying and listening.

Except, he's Clark, so doing nothing is far worse for him in some ways.

And every day, every night, he is given a front-row seat to all the things he cannot stop. The people he cannot save. The places he cannot be. The dangers he cannot avert.


And he should go to her.

Please do.

Clark feels the ghost of a smile settle across his lips, and he makes himself more comfortable against the window, closes his eyes so he can envision the scene in every detail, every nuance, every scent and sound and flutter of his heart.

Probably the best medicine had could have.

A lullaby that eventually soothes him so that, almost without even realizing, his head slumps gently against the glass as his eyes flutter closed and sleep claims him for the first time in nearly a week.


Ack! What kind of evil writer are you to stop there??? This is just mean! wink

Really, loving the way you have absolutely destroyed my heart at this point. Can't wait for the next chapter - hopefully they will finally see each other so they can start healing together.

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon