Originally Posted by Deadly Chakram
Hi, Mike! wave

I used to be a post-midnight reader too (and writer!) until my girls were born. Now I'm lucky if I have brain power enough to last until 12:30 most nights.

The idea of a baby "Chief" is cracking me up! smile Next part to hit the boards probably before I go to bed (twins dependent, of course).

I thought you might like the "Chief" and since you said the tribute would not be in the baby's given name I thought "must be a nickname hence they would not saddle the kid with it as a given name" and the first one I came up with was Perry. Of course if Clark dies they might call him CK despite his birth certificate. I could go an speculating right up until you post tonight but that, while fun, is probably not productive. However you might be able to use my ranting in a future story who knows?

I know I like to knock how dark the story has been but it really has not been that dark, just the overhang of Clark's condition as been the dark part. I mean the letters, the time together, the pulling of Sam and Bernie together to fight the problem have been classic Lois and Clark. At least you did not separate Lois and Clark and force them into things that did not fit their very nature (Death Comes Knocking). Your story still had them fighting together to make it through as they always do. I suspect a reasonably pleasant ending, I mean since someone will die it will not be a classic 'happy' ending. I guess the reason I asked about a sequel is that if the death is not Clark I could see another story (probably shorter) to cover how they deal with the passing and develop a tribute to the person who passed as part of saving Clark. I will stay with you to the end (I have already invested a couple of weeks), probably re-read it when it hits the archive to see how it flows in one steady read instead of the fits and starts of the serialization...

I have deliberately not read Accused because it did not look like my cup of tea but neither did TMTY but Corrina sent me a PM indicating that I might want to try it as the torture stuff was early and the remainder was much more uplifting (as she put it "smooths out"). After TMTY I might try Accused since I am very impressed with Corrina's ability to spin a tale and keep with the very nature of the L&C ideal. I mean TMTY is not a happy fic either but so far (I am about a third of the way through) it is an uplifting and exciting story. While both Despair and Distraught were well written, so was Betrayal of Justice by Catherine Bruce but I really did not like any of them and I read them each once and probably will never again read them as they were totally devoid of the Hope I mentioned earlier. How your story fits remains to be seen, however if I did not have faith in your story here I probably would just quit because if all I want is death and despair I can just turn on the news...

Well enough of my ramblings, it will be interesting so see if and how the discussion changes after the next part in, well shortly...

This is the problem with long posting cycles, it gives too much time for FDK's to degenerate like this one has laugh .


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham