Originally Posted by Deadly Chakram
rotflol Sorry. Thought I was doing a good thing, leaving chapters for people first thing in the morning. (A little cardiac arrest with your bagel? A missing Clark with your Danish?)

Remember, I'm sticking with a "realer" drama here. So, no sci-fi youth sucking machines, time travel, etc. Clark either needs a transplant, some kind of bionic fix to his heart, or he dies. (Realer, but not ruling out any kind of sci-fi at all, since it's an alien man who flies who is dying and all.)

I actually have NO time to read in the morning so I get up in the middle of the night to get my cardiac arrest frown. I actually relax more once I get to read it interestingly enough.

This isn't going to be a kind of two parter is it? Like Nobody's Hero/Just a Man? I mean this entire story has been pretty depressing and even if you end it on some kind of an up note I will file it away and probably not read it again. I mean I read Just a Man probably about every year but have only read Nobody's Hero only once not really being into despair and that story had a lot of despair.

I (like Nan Smith) am on here to have fun and enjoy and I really don't enjoy depression so I normally avoid those stories. As I mentioned earlier I normally read death fics but rarely re-read them because I really don't tend to like them. Reading Trusting Me, Trusting You Corrina hit it for me when she had Clark thinking about Lois giving him back Hope(after the Trask torture). I view the Lois and Clark ideal as Hope for mankind but the way I view it they don't work properly when not together. Lois without Clark is a bitter woman who barely gets along in the world. Clark without Lois is an outsider who figures he will never fit in and eventually quits trying. But together they become more than the two of them individually. Again not being totally against death fics like Nan is but because of the above belief I normally do not seek them out particularly if they deal with Lois or Clark's death. The exceptions tend to be ones like Grandma Lois where the death part occurred before the story and the story is about the hope the kids bring to the world and how Lois can help that happen and the ones where the death is after a long productive, loving life.

The only reason I probably have stuck around this story as long as I have is the banter we have had going back and forth. Well that and the belief that you will not kill Clark. I also haven't gotten emotionally invested in the story for reasons I have discussed before. The problem is that I LIKE to get emotionally invested in the stories (back to that Hope thing again).

Anyway back to the story. This hint and one of your earlier statements that the name would not be in the given name. This makes me maybe jump to Perry having a stroke (high blood pressure and all) and them transplant his heart but your statement about this being as real as it can be with an alien that flies makes me wonder about the transplant concept as their are waiting lists and a lot of red tape to getting a heart. Can you imagine the boy growing up being called 'Chief'?? Bionic?? Now that makes more sense and would be much more interesting...

I guess the answers will start becoming more clear in about 14 hours huh?


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham