I'm coming in a little late, too, since I wanted to be able to read the last three parts all at once, as I'm inclined to do. (It's the immersion thing, combined with the bus thing ...)

And ... well, my feedback on part 1 still applies.

No sugar coating, no lying, no exaggerating. I'm not even around these parts enough anymore to have any reason to do any of that stuff. I just plain loved this story. Was impressed by this story. By the experimental style and how much power the structure had. My hat is off to you, David.

I've been reading (and writing) fanfic for nearly 10 years now. I've read hundreds of stories -- actually, probably thousands of stories, if you consider the volume of fics on the Archive plus all the nfics, not to mention all the fic I've read for other shows -- over those 10 years. And I think I have a pretty good eye for talent. I know when a story needs polishing, when a writer is a good story-teller, but has trouble with the mechanics. And I adjust my feedback accordingly.

I don't need to adjust anything with you, David.

This was just flat out excellent. A different style, yes, but one that I found fascinating and creative and very well done. And I'm very glad I got a chance to read it. smile
