I just noticed this topic today. I was a bit ticked
off by the other topic that did not want to let people
who are Not Happy with the election results have their say that i noticed shortly after the election. But i was not surprised. Liberals want to shut up conservative voices. I have been so depressed and upset since the election. I was just so shocked that people could be so stupid as to fall for Obamas' lies yet again. I am terrified at what the next four years will do to this country.
I can't imagine what on earth people were thinking when they voted for Obama? Do they think by voting for the most divisive, incompetent and arrogant person who has been in the office they would be doing something good? Do they actually like gas prices that are over $3 a gallon ? It was $1.89 when President Bush left office. Do they like anti business policies that are going to result in thousands more people losing their jobs? Duh! I am so angry at what Obama voters have done to us. I don't think people took a crazy bill they took a stupid pill!