Getting totally off topic, so here goes nothing. :p

If everybody is in health care, there are some benefits, too. Not only does everybody have access to medical care, a dentist or whatever he needs, physicians, hospitals and all other providers of medical care are stopped from charging outrageous prices for their service. Because, as a physician, you cannot afford to charge more than is your due (as determined by the physicians' representatives and the health care system), or the health insurance companies won't pay it. If the physician still insists on charging more, he will have to tell his patients that insurance won't cover the cost and they'll have to pay for it themselves. Which is a very strong incentive to go visit a different doctor. :p

To quote from the text you gave:
But because she was pregnant when she moved to Germany, health authorities there said she had a "pre-existing condition" and thus wasn't covered by Germany's public health insurance system.
Wait, what? As far as I know - and I think I know a lot about our system - we don't exclude pre-existing clauses. Period. The first time I even heard for real about something like the pre-existing causes thing was when talking to someone about American health insurance. Before that, I only knew the term from the TV series "Emergency Room" - and thought it was totally made up!

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)