OK. My wife had to talk me off the ledge this morning so please take this with a grain of salt --and realize that I've toned it down.

First, let me say that I have moral, Constitutional and legal issues with BHO’s administration. All that aside, in October there were 171,000 jobs created in the U.S. There were also 170,000 new unemployment filings (i.e. jobs lost) in October. At a net 1,000 new jobs created per month in a country of 325 million (and this wasn't the worst month, either) then it will take 20 YEARS before we make up the jobs lost during his presidency. Even as bad as things were if he had implemented policies that provided stability to businesses we would be well on our way to recovery by now.

How could anyone vote for this guy???!!! How is it that people can’t understand that a recovering economy will be worth more to them and their children in six months than a monthly welfare check that keeps them in dependancy? I read that Google fielded millions of “who is running for president” searches this week. (http://www.theatlantic.com/technolo...now-who-is-running-for-president/264606/) Willful criminal ignorance ought to be a chargeable offense.

This is concrete and personal for me. Eleven years ago, my wife and I hatched a dream of a greenhouse business. Five years of study and planning followed. Six years ago, we sold our home and bought property to start a greenhouse business 85 miles away (135 Km). We have agreeable relatives so we worked on building the greenhouse on the weekends and making the house liveable. We stayed near our automotive jobs during the week and worked on our plan to have at least one of us supported by the GH in 3 years and both of us in 5.

We saved and paid our debts off and my wife was able to leave her job 2 years ago. She isn't supported by the business but she’s been working at a neighbor’s farm and feeding that money into the business while I continue to work in the automotive industry. I really enjoy what I do, but I’ve been trying to find a job closer to my home for over a year. Even paying our own insurance we would be fine if I could find a job that paid HALF of what I make now. I don’t make a fortune—but THERE ARE NO JOBS within 50 miles of home. And I mean searching on Monster or Careerbuilder and literally no jobs found. Not every time but often.

I’m tired of eating out of a bag, sleeping away from home, wondering if we’ll ever be able to get our business to make a profit (even though the IRS is getting taxes from us) and having my second largest expense be my monthly gasoline costs. I can’t help but think that if my President would do his job then this situation would be different. Maybe he’ll find time between talk show appearances, illegal weapon sales to Mexican drug cartels, multiple vacations, cutting our military, redefining terrorism as “workplace violence” and “man-caused disasters”, criminal neglect in our state department and blaming everyone instead of doing his job.

A wise man said, “Never ascribe malice where ignorance and apathy will suffice.” I’m not sure they do anymore.
