Whee! I'm *finally* catching up... even though I'm nowhere close. *sigh* Anyhoo... seeing as I've heard everyone rave about this story, not to mention I've read the first bit and have now clue what happens or who David decided to have behind the door... (/me sneaks a quick peek even though she hates reading ahead... *whew* Can you believe he was debating on putting Lana or Mayson in there just to be evil?! Honestly... I think he's spending a little too much time with... er... Sorcha. And Kae. goofy ) he loves her that he'd know the sound *one* pair of her shoes makes.

You see how you are, David. This is why you're having trouble with those 25 pages, you just do it so much better when you're succinct. wink

I’d practiced.

‘Hi Lois, how have you been?’

I’d rehearsed.

‘Have you seen Perry lately?’

I’d stood in front of the mirror.

‘Nice weather, isn’t it?’
AWWWW!!! Poor guy!!! I can just see him doing that. And I can feel his emotions, too! (Does this mean I'm way too into this? Too emotional lately? blush )

Safe topics. Safe. Not Lex. Not wedding. Not love. Not you. Not me.
Nice!!!! (<-- See, I can be succinct too. wink )

I walked back inside slowly.

I’d give anything. To take it back.

ACK!!! whinging *snuffle* You kill me, David, you really do. I saw mention of a sequel when I peeked at the feedback folder... tell me there's going to be one? clap

Sara (who gets to tick one more thing off her to do list now wink )

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