Okay, so here is a bit of gut-reaction, not well thought out, feedback.

This is great.

I love the way you get inside Clark's head. Without banging us over the head with it, we know that Clark is still recovering from being in the cage. We know that he's waiting for Lois to make the first move, though whether that is because he's too proud / angry / upset to do it for himself, or whether he is giving her time and space is not clear to me. Quite honestly, I expect it is a bit of everything. Maybe Clark doesn't know, himself.

I love the details you give about what Clark can hear. I love that Lois wasn't wearing the boots he thought she would be; Clark can make mistakes. He's obviously still healing. I love hearing her heart thump.

This is poignant. And it makes perfect sense of what comes next -- Clark's retraction.

Yep, this is great.
