Hot diggity! I'm behind again! razz

Some woman had spoken those words during his and Lois’s argument. He tried to ignore them, but they leapt straight to his gut all over again. Along with other words which refused to be pushed off- the Perry’s ‘You’re a one woman man’ from the day before.
Wow, wow, wow!!! Such emotion!!!! And I feel SOOOO badly for Clark here. whinging

He knew those words were true. Every one of them.
Wow! Such an effective little para here! Still hurting for Clark!! whinging

“I can’t stop thinking of Jor-el and Lara,” she confessed softly.

Hank nodded. He knew exactly what she meant. “They were forewarned, and they certainly made the most of it, didn’t they?”
Awww! Great touch!

“But it has certainly upped the stakes for you,” said Madge mournfully. “Every mission, every wrinkle in time, every instance with Tempus. You had so much more to lose than everyone else.” She wanted to cry for him. But if she got started, she wasn’t sure how she’d ever stop. How she’d ever get back to doing her job. “You should have told me. I know what it is to keep quiet in a marriage. Fredrick understands that I can’t talk about my work, but it’s hard when I want comforting and I can’t say anything more specific than, ‘bad day at the office.’”
Awwww!!! Poor Hank!! You've really created some great characters here with lots of depth!

“If it goes that far, if we lose the descendants, that doesn’t mean they’re gone for good. We find Lois and Clark, or Tempus grows bored and talks, or Wells comes around, and everything is reversed. The family just... reappears.”
Wow... love that you've added this. Makes it more tense... Can't just rely on that failsafe "HG Wells will put everything right" scenario.

He had asked about her, been teased about how ridiculous the question “Has anyone seen Lois?” was.

He did a fast check of the first floor just in case he’d missed her. He tried not to let his eyes linger too long over the Lane Family Wing. Hundreds of people did it everyday. But he was different; he knew her. And knew for certain she would hate him seeing any of it.
AWWW!!! So touching! whinging

“I didn’t think of that,” he said in a choked whisper.

“Then you’re going to want to sit down for this, Superman,” Lois told him. “We’re married.”
*Gasp* Love his choked whisper. I'm still... whinging

“Married,” he said.

Lois nodded. “Three years from now, or one hundred and ninety-seven years ago, take your pick...”


“...if it’s that last one, though, buster, you owe me a lot of anniversary presents.”
Wow... Clark's repetition. Lois's attempt to lighten the situation... whinging

That, at last, earned her a blink. And then a half smile, which slowly turned into a full smile, which eventually climbed into his eyes and lit every corner of his face. “How about... wow?” he asked.
That right there has got to be one of the greatest smiles in fic history! Right up there with Y's "wobbly affair" smile. Love it! Still teary, but they're a bit happier now.

And now... I'm off to read part 6!

Sara (who's decided the highly emotional state she's in... is just *great* for reading fic!)

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🏆2024 Kerth Award Posts 🏆.

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