Cool, cool, cool, cool. Did I mention cool?

I was hoping to watch Lois's reaction to the HEA wing in real time, so to speak, but this might be better... after she's had time to process things a little bit.

Lois wasn’t the only one who had been handed a really mind-blowing piece of information today. She wasn’t the only one who, on top of everything else that was going on, knew just one thing too many.
I love Clark realizing that yeah, maybe it *was* love at first sight, which he hadn't really had time to process or quantify yet. And she made him say it, and he was honest, and... good gracious, what happens next?

Besides standing in the attic, in the future, in a world where his life was, evidently, some sort of... amusement ride, wondering if he’d ever have a chance to... wake up underneath Lois Lane again.

Keep the faith, Madge. wink

“Then you’re going to want to sit down for this, Superman,” Lois told him. “We’re married.”
eek rotflol

Lois nodded. “Three years from now, or one hundred and ninety-seven years ago, take your pick...”


“...if it’s that last one, though, buster, you owe me a lot of anniversary presents.”

That, at last, earned her a blink. And then a half smile, which slowly turned into a full smile, which eventually climbed into his eyes and lit every corner of his face. “How about... wow?” he asked.

“Wow is... fine.” She hadn’t meant for that to come out so high and squeaky. “I think I’ll sit now.”
But, but, what does Lois really think about this? Does she have any idea what she thinks about it? <g> We need some introspection here wink Or even better, some open and honest discussion...


"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K