Part five and my awe has not diminished. To quote some others, this is just COOL.

Favorites (not quoting because I'm on my husband's laptop and I'm not as quick with this keyboard and sensor pad thingie as I am with my mouse):

Clark not being sure what he felt for Lois at this point was love, because he's never experienced it before ... great insight; just perfect. Of course, once he is given a term for it, he can put a label on it, but I can completely understand his hesitation.

The time loop plotline ... I'm really looking forward to seeing where this is going. And I'm still nervous about what "lifelines" they are monitoring. I have a theory niggling at the back of my mind, but I'm not going to voice it in case I'm either way off the mark ... or frighteningly right.

Lois's "you owe me a lot of anniversary presents" comment ... what a way to say so much about her frame of mind without any description at all. The fact that she can joke about this just proves that, as aggitated and freaked out as she is, she's coming to terms with all this ... and it isn't as distasteful to her as Clark worried it would be.

Also love that Clark was so wrapped up in exploring his past that he never considered to see what might be in the future. And I love his stunned -- then thrilled -- reaction to the fact that they get married. smile That's a nice happy image to go out on, even if Lois has just dropped to the floor where she stood. <g> (Another great image, btw.)

OK, that was nice and long ... see, CC, I'm willing to struggle through with an unfamiliar keyboard just for you. 'Cause, as you know, you are totally my type. wink

Kathy (getting those cruise brochures ready for the KathyB and CC honeymoon ...)