So what's the answer? The fact is that oil is a finite resource, so whether or not you agree with the various environmental measures being taken, sooner or later, it's going to run out.

So do we carry on regardless, guzzling the available resource until it runs out, assuming while we do so that science will produce another source of energy just in the nick of time? Or do we try and make what we've got last as long as possible - which you could say is just postponing the inevitable in any case?

The thing is, taking steps to use less oil is generally not just better for the available supplies and the environment, it's also better for our health. If we all walked more and cooked from scratch more than bought pre-packaged foods, we'd get more exercise, we'd eat more healthily, and we'd use less oil. For example, alongside all those single-occupancy cars travelling to and from the shops, think of all those plastic containers, plastic bags, and plastic bottles we throw out every day.

However, it's a complex issue. Our entire social structure, our transport systems, our lifestyle - even the way our towns and cities are designed - would have to change to make a significant dent in consumption. I don't think that's going to happen in my lifetime. wink
