Thanks for the explanation, Quel! That sounds like a very good system.

I must admit I'm still suspicious about the fact that your voter ID number is punched into the machine immediately before you vote. It just seems to me that it would be too easy to figure out, then, just who voted for whom. (Maybe I've seen too many "Conspiracy Theory"-type movies!! ha ha)

Here in PR, we vote with paper ballots, which are then hand-counted. The good part is, when there is doubt, it can always be re-counted and verified. The bad part, of course, is it takes a long time to get the final results.

- Vicki

edited to add: CC, I see you were posting as I was. I just read your post and I agree 100%. Just tell me how each candidate feels about the issues and let me decide. (If you think your political ads are bad, you should see ours! Each side goes scrounging through the archives looking for pictures of their opponent picking his nose, or caught by the camera just at the moment his eyes had blinked shut, or making a goofy face right before a sneeze or what-have-you. I guess they figure if they make him look dorky enough, no one will vote for him! dizzy )

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster