I don't think I have a right to actually say something here since I don't live in US and I'm not an American citizen but try to live in a country where all you heard from the past month or so was explainations about US voting system goofy It's funny to think that Brazil just had Mayor elections but as soon as it finished all you could see was news about US election.

I don't really want to say what works and what doesn't work in US but I can say what works in my country. I think you all know how huge Brazil is and our voting system doesn't have a EC. All Brazilians have the same power to decide who is going to be the next President, Mayor, whatever. It doesn't matter that São Paulo, for example, has more people living there than in Porto Alegre. My vote as a resident from Porto Alegre means as much as a vote from a resident from São Paulo. What counts is the number each candidate gets in the popular election. I didn't vote for Lula, for example but he won and it was fair because he got more votes but all votes counted in the end (even if my candidate didn't win laugh ). It's hard for me to think why this wouldn't work in other countries like US. We do have differences in the size of our States as well but that doesn't influence which candidate is going to win. It sounds much fair to me than having an EC.

As for the way you vote there Brazil should send you some electronic vote machines wink j/k I waited 1 minute to vote for Mayor and my city is huge smile

All I wish is peace for the world but I'm afraid about what's going to happen now frown

Raquel (who is going to hide now because she didn't want to give people a boring lesson about Brazil voting system blush )

"It's not the years that count, it's the moments, right now as they happen." (Clark Kent to Lois Lane - Brutal Youth - S4)