I can understand why a lot of people are ganging up on Lois but Clark is part of the problem as well.

As I see it the problem of this relationship (marriage or no marriage) stems form miscommunication which is very much in character for first season Lois and Clark.

While Lois suffers from a few insecurities so does Clark and the fact that they haven't really discussed anything, partly because of time constraints, certainly doesn't help them deal with this extraordinary situation as individuals or as two persons in a relationship.

People seem to forget that by the time Lois did some thinking and some maturing Clark was the one acting like a child and not talking with Lois. He even decided to go ahead and have the papers for an anullment drawn without discussing this with Lois he just informed her of his intent.

Avia (who suspects she'll need to edit this a lot after posting at 1:30 am wink )

"I get it, you're a ghost. You're dead. Big accomplishment, move on. You see a light anywhere? Go towards it okay?"

Cordelia in 'Rm w/a Vu' - Angel episode 1x05