"Wow," was all he could say as he watched her retreating back. He collected himself and ran after her again, smiling brightly when she reached out to take his arm.

Lois had no idea where she found the nerve to kiss Clark like that. For the past week or so, she was having difficulty determining how she felt. Terrified was a pretty accurate way of describing how she felt about this baby. Confused was more the word she needed when describing her relationship with Clark. But the open expression of genuine appreciation on his face when he thanked her for this baby was more than even 'Mad Dog' could resist.

Besides, it was just one kiss. What could it hurt?
Lois --> Please don't blame these feelings on the prego state. Ugh.

You have captrued season 1 Lois perfectly from part 1 to now. I have loved how you have encorporated the episodes with your creation.

Keep rockin'

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.