Lois did manage to get herself into rather deep expletive deletions this time. But I do think that her fears and struggles with marrage are not without merit, given her history. Still, she is willig to try, for whatever reason. This Lois and Clark seem more real to me because of their fears and struggles.But they are addressing the problems
which gives me hope.
I agree that change must come from within.I see that in Lois. She stepped out of herself with her offer to have this child. She agreedtomarrage,and to share his living space, more concessions.The wedding night was beautifuly handled. She sought to please him without teasing. She did for Clark,what she had never done for another.
So they fight; as with so much in life, you live,and you learn to roll with the punches.

"I'm red-eyed, tired and drunk" Teri Hatcher
"Fun will now commence" 7of9