31. Always carry a spare bag of gold nuggets. You never know when you'll be stranded in time and in need of fuel.

32. If someone asks you to smash yourself into a giant asteriod composed of the one substance in the universe that can kill you, make absolutely certain that there is no better way to deal with the threat.

33. There are no limits to the number of things that can happen in the time after you get shot at point-blank range by a gangster from the past.

34. If you get shot by a gangster at point-blank range, even in front of dozens of witnesses, there is always something better that you can do rather than fake your own death, wallow in self-pity, and let your partner grieve for you.

35. If you think you have defeated the bad guy, make sure to kill him an extra 2 or 3 ways, just to be absolutely certain.

36. Stranding a time-travelling villain in the past is not an effective means of incarceration.

37. Always be suspicious of natural disasters. They are usually an attempt by the gods to keep you away from your partner at a crucial moment.

38. If you have a secret identity, make sure to tell your true love sooner rather than later. Chickening out now will only cause even more problems for you down the road.

39. If mysterious aliens claiming to be from your home planet suddenly show up to ask you to leave your home, your friends, your family, and your fiance in order to deal with some civil war halfway across the galaxy on a barren rock where you won't have any super powers and where you'll have to deal with a fuedal government and an arranged marriage to a woman you've never met before... Just say no.

40. Just because your wife turns out to be a clone, don't write her off. It's not her fault, and you know she has good genes...

41. You can save time on baths and help get rid of that annoying smokey odor in your clothes by plunging into the ocean on your way home.

42. Never take Utopia for granted.


P.S. TEEEEEEJ, some of yours seem kind of familiar. Are you sure you learned them from L&C Fic?

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.