Originally posted by Deadly Chakram:

74. More than one person have claimed CK=S. (Diana Stride, Mazik, Tempus, etc.) Does anyone ever start to think that maybe they were on to something?

Here's a related one:

80. All of these criminals with all of their "almost successful" plots are sitting in prison. Do they ever compare notes? For example, a Prankster flash freeze device coordinated with a Bob Fences deathray (or even a hunk of Kryptonite) would be bad for our superhero.

And one not:

81. Clark learned some martial arts in "Chi of Steel." Why didn't he continue? It would have given him a way to deal with situations as Clark without raising suspicion. (i.e. Fly Hard) It would give him something to do with Lois. Besides, who wouldn't want to see Lois sweaty in a gi?
