72. Why does it take Clark more than a day to recover his powers after his first exposure to green K, when later on he recovers instantly, as soon as the green K is taken away? Did he have to develop an immune response to it?

73. Does Lois ever find out that Lex almost killed Superman on the day she was to marry him?
Good questions! I had never noticed the change in his recovery to kryptonite, but that is interesting that he seems to recover quicker and quicker as the series goes on...hmmm.

And for #73--I would love to hear how that conversation goes! For one, it would really show Lois (yet again) how evil and deceptive Lex was. And two, it would give Lois some insight into what was going on from Clark's perspective during all the Lex engagement timeframe--everything with his feelings of potentially loosing the woman he loves, but also everything regarding his life as Superman. Interesting!

76. What ever happened to Jack's younger brother Denny?

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~