68. How does Clark come up with the spin change?

69. Who owns the DP after the whole Leslie Luckabee debacle?

70. What ever happened to the regenerated gangsters from TOGoM? Did they degenerate like the clones Lex had made?

71. Exactly how much Kryptonite is out there? It seems like everyone and their mother is able to get their hands on a chunk.

72. Why does it take Clark more than a day to recover his powers after his first exposure to green K, when later on he recovers instantly, as soon as the green K is taken away? Did he have to develop an immune response to it?

73. Does Lois ever find out that Lex almost killed Superman on the day she was to marry him?

74. More than one person have claimed CK=S. (Diana Stride, Mazik, Tempus, etc.) Does anyone ever start to think that maybe they were on to something?

75. Does Jerry White ever *really* turn over a new leaf?

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon