Originally posted by Deadly Chakram:
Originally posted by KatherineKent:
42. What did Clark read in Tempus's diary (before SM burnt it up)? And was it still accurate or changed because he now knew what Tempus knew of the future?
This one has been on my mind lately. I wonder if this is why he asked Lois to marry him so soon after. As Perry says in Season 3 - "Shouldn't they try dating first?" They haven't been 'officially' dating for very long for Clark to pop the question. Yes we all know he's head over heels in love, but for 2 years he's been taking it very slow, gentle and careful with Lois. Yet, now, he jumps right in with the proposal. Maybe he read that they get married. He may have been fully confident of the answer. Yet he was then stunned by the 'No'.
Interesting theory! I always assumed that Clark jumped in so fast because:

1. He almost lost Lois to Scardino.
2. Lois chose Clark over Scardino AND Superman.
3. He was hopelessly in love with her.

But the notebook idea...knowing he and Lois did get married...that's interesting. I'm guessing the notebook didn't mention the clone debacle though. :p [/b]
I agree with both of you. I originally thought what DC concluded, but every time I think about Tempus's diary I wonder if KatherineKent's theory might be the correct one.

It's possible that in the original timeline (before HG Wells screwed it up by going into the future, bringing Tempus into the past, leaving him there to write a diary which Jace Mazak got ahold of and therefore Clark read), Clark told Lois that morning he was planning on doing it at the beginning of AtAI that he was SM. They then dealt with that before he ever proposed. At which time, Lois said 'yes'. Because of that, they possibly got married sooner than when it was scheduled during the ARGH arc, and therefore, it was before Luthor had completed his Clois doll... er... clone.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.