Hmm - this was tough but definitely enjoyable. Never one to back down from a challenge - I'm as willing as others to make a total and complete fool of myself! wink

Between a Rock and a Hard Place by...Jen (Shadow) maybe? - the Kryptonite at the end was absolutely hysterical and reminds me of other Jen stories
Clark's Pet Peeve by...I have no idea on this one - IreneD? weren't there other Cat stories by Irene in the past?
A Day at the Metroplis Pet Store by...pass on this - the style seems familiar but I can't place it :rolleyes:
Lois and That Cat by...Wendy? Nan? Labrat? the "to be continued" seems to imply each of these writers - hmm - final answer: Wendy
Lois and the Cat by...CC?
The Pet Bet by...I think this is KathyB.
That's All it Takes by...Kaethel?
Waiting for Superman by...Yvonne
Still Life with Python by...hysterical - my guess would have to be Paul.

Dance with a Stranger (Nfic) by...lynn

so that's it - I really enjoyed each of the stories - so thank you to all of the authors that participated! (notice that I did not thank only the authors that I mentioned above, as I'm sure that I've missed most!)


You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

- Mahatma Gandhi