This was a lot harder than I had counted for! It took hours to read all the fun stories and even more time to think of my answers (and discuss some of it on IRC). I've finally made some last decisions and will just see how it goes. No doubt I'm horribly wrong most of the time. wink

Between a Rock and a Hard Place It's S4 or later, so my first guess was LauraU. But then I started to think some more of it and I really wasn't so sure. I'm saying Anna Botsakou.

Clark's Pet Peeve This had a great twist. At first I thought it might be Lana or Linda in Clark's place, but hadn't thought of Cat. Nice! So for a writer... *ponders* I really don't have a clue here. Lucky guess, maybe Yvonne?

A Day at the Metroplis Pet Store For some reason, this seemed a little easier and the name that popped up right away was MDL (Erica) and I still think so now.

Lois and That Cat ARGH! A TBC! Whoever you are, post more soon! Now, at first I thought this was Wendy, but then later on I was sure there was another story by Wendy, so I changed my guess here. Many people crossed my mind, including Kaethel, Meredith, LabRat, Lynn and CC. And the same people crossed my mind for the next so in the end I just randomly picked names on very good luck. I go with Kaethel.

Lois and the Cat See above. wink First guess was for Kaethel. Last guess goes to CC. For some reason, it just seems more logical this way.

The Pet Bet Great story, has to be someone with kids. And it's not just Lois's fault, I've let my e-pet die several times a week too before I lost interest. Luckily, we had things that you can re-start. <g> Anyway, I’m going with Lynn here.

That's All it Takes TOGoM. Wendy. Maybe a trick, but I'm willing to fall for it.

Waiting for Superman The whole first person thing might be a clue. But I don't know anyone who actually writes a lot of first person. Some do on occasion. *grabs the magic hat and pulls a name out of it* My answer is Paul. Don't ask me why.

Still Life with Python Ooookay. Not a single clue, really. Marvelboy is from the comics, so maybe Tank, but the rest isn't really his style. I have this feeling I once read a fic where there were a parrot, a girl named Sheila and Marvelboy. No idea who wrote that. Then there were the cameos. And then there are the dying parrots. So it's either Tank or LabRat, although I know this must be horribly wrong. Just to have an answer, I'm going with LabRat.

Dance with a Stranger Oh, cute! Pretty much out of ideas, so I'm just saying ML Thompson.

Thanks for all the great stories, I enjoyed them all. smile And thank you, Lynn, for setting this up. It was a lot of fun and I'm sure once the answers are revealed I'm going to be embarrassed about these answers. <g>

Saskia smile

I tawt I taw a puddy cat!